Cafe Einstein
Rathausplatz 4 1010 Wien Tel.: +43 1 4052626 Fax.: +43 1 4052626-24 email: website: click the British flag for English
The Goulash soup and beer at the Einstein are excellent. Their various "toasts" (which they call "giant sandwiches" in English) are good too. The English menu tends to feature fewer items than the German one, so make a selection from the online menu before you go.
How to get there
It's a 20 minute walk from the K+K, but the streets are tricky to follow. Be sure to get a map from the hotel front desk. If asking for directions, the Einstein is right beside the Rathausplatz. There is a map on their website.
Einstein Webcams
There were two webcams at the Einstein. They showed static shots, but you couldtake a new shot by hitting "Refresh" on your browser. Here is a shot showing Laurence Head, Maura Ricketts, Jan and Neil toasting the camera. Neil is talking on his cellphone to LeRoy in Ottawa, and he took the picture.

Ordering food in Vienna
The names that the Viennese give to foods have very little to do with the ingredients used. Food names are much more likely to be based on where a food was first made or which emperor liked it for lunch. It is virtually impossible to use a dictionary to translate the names, so why not download and print this German to English food list. This list is shamelessly stolen from
Page full of webcams all over Vienna
This is a phenomenal collection and it does show the Einstein cams.
K+K Hotel
K+K Palais Hotel, Rudolfsplatz 11, A-1010 Wien Tel: +43-1-533 1353 Toll-free (USA & Canada) 1-877-842-1570 Fax: +43-1-533 1353 70 email: website:

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