Wherein I present for your amusement and edification, real bits of email I have received ...

Signature line on an email:

 I bought some batteries, but they weren't included.

Signature line on an email:

 I'm as confused as a baby in a topless bar.

Signature line on an email:

 Fight Entropy!!!  Fight Entropy!!!  Figth Etnropy! !
 iFgth Etnrop!y ! giFth tErno!py !  giFt htrEno!p y! --- Well maybe not...

Real spam,unedited and unintelligible:

 From: Jo Lotr counciladhgyma@fredekingstafford.com
 To: Evelyn Tsoy (??? my email address was here)
 Subject: Economise 65 % or mo
 re with our recipes

 Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2004 14:15:46 +0000
 MIME-Version: 1.0

 I helps all people keep on high-priced recipes 
 medicaments at worths that are as much as 60 % lower than retail 
 chemist's shop substitutes. 
 Control costs 

Geez!, Send me two at that price!

This sounds like the same author has decided to share his distinctive style:

 From: Ambrose Hciunkn <loomotfvogm@doerflinger.net>
 To: Robert Ied (??? my email address was here)
 Subject: Modern way for decre
  ase mass!
 Date: Sat, 15 Jan 2005 21:19:23 +0000

 My lozenge is an advanced fat-bandage supplement which
 takes away grease from the board you eat! Explicated with 
 the potent grease-banding fibre, the medley
 of all-natural multipliers...

 Examine it

Pills for genuine humans? Are there pills for androids?

 From: Dorian Mguo <pavewapiog@spireav.com>
 To: Diana Atl <??? my email address was here>
 Subject: Supple and soluble pills for genuine humans
 Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2005 19:46:36 +0000

 Our tablets are simply similar normal tablets but they 
 are specially explicated to be pliant and dissolvable
 under the glossa. The pills is took up at the oral cavity
 and gets into the bloodstream straightaway alternatively of acting
 through with the stomach. This effects in a speedy more
 powerful effect which still up to 29 hours!

 Get it 

What? More?

 From: Charlotte Yexpug <overestimatestexa@gast.com>
 To: Enoch Zitrp <??? my email address was here>
 Subject: All specific at 0.57
  Euro per portion
 Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2005 09:48:24 +0000

 Have you at any time reflect how much a common fellow
 hires for his medicament? Analgesics, remedy to better the 
 quality of life, mass cut back medicine, and many more. 
 Our company lead you the equal narcotics, the vegetable variant -- the equivalent
 choice, the same prescription at a very judicious price. 

 ensure that

How many ways can they butcher this text?

 From: Abel Lgayba <Camilleyeabph@simonson.com>
 To: Aubrey Znaekada <??? my email address was here>
 Subject: Any medicine at 0.44
   $ per dose
 Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2005 11:29:16 +0000

 Have you ever ruminate how much an ordinary human
 pays for his medicine? Pain pills, medicine to ameliorate the 
 select of life, mass trim specific, and much more. 
 We carry you the equal specific, the vegetable version -- the equal
 select, the same formula at a greatly wise cost. 

 check this

And Again ...

 From: George Hdinilkl <tiersleooof@steffan.com>
 To: Theresa Hulpoani <??? my email address was here>
 Subject: Timely path for missing mass!
 Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2005 15:23:24 +0000

 My product is an innovative fat-banding accessory which
 takes away grease from a nourishment you gorge! Invented with 
 the mighty fat-banding fibre, the blend
 of natural constituents...

 Control this

Categories: oddities

Page last modified on August 13, 2005, at 01:58 PM